Company Overview
Great companies always have a strong set of values. Values are the guiding principles that describe what is deeply important to us as people. While our strategies or the products we make may shift over time, our values transcend time, and Millerbernd Manufacturing Company has had four core values since our inception in 1933.
  • Respectful and Humble With Confidence - We show a polite regard and consideration to others. We’re confident in our abilities and proud of our successes, but we are also humble.
  • Positive Attitude and Solution Oriented - We have a can-do attitude and we get energy from solving problems. We understand that problems can happen, and when they do, we work together to solve them.
  • Great Reputation Every Day - We all make the daily choices that make us all proud to be a part of Millerbernd. Our reputation can be reinforced by everything from the quality of our products to the way we participate in the community.
  • Loyal and United, Working Together - We work together as one team, and we win or lose together. Even when we have disagreements with others, we assume that the other person is trying to do what is best for Millerbernd and our customers.

Through our strong work ethic and culture that supports innovation and continuous improvement at all levels, we will carry on the Tradition of Success that started more than 80 years ago. We thank our current and long-term employees for their contributions to the success of our company. Without them, there would be nothing but empty buildings and machinery. Our teamwork makes Millerbernd the company that it is and allows us to help our customers succeed.
Company Summary
Millerbernd Manufacturing Company
Number of Employees
(320) 485-2111
622 6th Street South
Winsted, MN